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Peak Mountain 3

All Battered Boyfriends

FA Allison Rooney, Adam Crofoot, Kevin MudRat MacKenzie 2015 May 30
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The name was derived from a series of mishaps during the FA. Adam's (Allison's boyfriend) eyelid was punctured by a branch during the approach and Kevin was inadvertently hit in the groin while the rope was being managed (a tight belay ledge). Allison alone remained unscathed.

P1 40': Face climb up past horizontals to opposing corners. Step up on ramp. Step down to right off block, climb right leaning hand crack to terrace and belay

 P2 30': Step into large right facing corner. Scramble on large blocks to cracks in corner and climb to top. Descent: Fourth class walk off back behind cliff.…


RAMP WALL AREA on Mt. Haystack:

The Ramp Wall was named during the FA of All Battered Boyfriends and Less Than Zero for its obvious left rising ramp. The wall sits directly across from Marcy’s Panther Den Wall; approach as in the Panther Den Wall then bushwhack across drainage to the Ramp Wall.

Start 30 feet left of lower right end of ramp.



1000 km
500 mi