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Peak Mountain 3

Trigger Warning

FA Adam Crofoot (lead), Kevin MudRat MacKenzie, Katie Vannicola, Sept. 6, 2020
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


An airy line with varied slab features and an incredible flake. Route history: Scoped by Adam in 2003, 17 years before the FA.P1: 5.10b Climb up the face with no protection (5.7x) to a crux move leading to the ledge. Walk left 25' and belay below a large left-rising flake. 60'P2: 5.8 Climb the flake to its end and step up to a left facing corner. At the to of the corner climb straight up on surprising holds and horizontal cracks. When the angle eases, run it out up easier terrain until blocked by a steep headwall. Step right into the trees and belay from cracks. 120'Video at:


Start: 50' left of Slab the Impaler and at the left end of the Shield Wall terrace below an obvious line of holds which lead to the far right end of the prominent ledge 50' up.Descent: Walk right and rappel Slab the Imapler


Standard Rack to #2, RP's helpful

1000 km
500 mi