HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkIndian CoveIndian Cove CampgroundPixie RockSilent but Deadly5.11aTom's Solo5.75.10atrFA Mike Beck and Alan Nelson, December 1982CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Pixie Rock1Lascivious Conduct5.11cTrad2Scream Chuck5.7Trad3Vaino's Lost in Pot5.7Trad4Who's First5.6Trad5Rhythm of the Heat5.8Trad6If only Rae had thumbs5.7Tr7Swift and Silent5.5Tr8Silent Scream (aka Shock the Monkey)5.10aTrad9Silent but Deadly5.11aTrad10Pixie Stick5.10aTr 11Tom's Solo5.7Trad12Srepopers Roid5.10bTr