HomeUSACaliforniaSequoia & Kings Canyon NPTehipite DomeWilderness Serenity5.10bTime Warp (Beckey)5.105.11+tradaidFA Dave Nettle, John Fehrman, Bryan Sweeney, Brandon Thau, 2001CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Tehipite Dome1Tehipite Dome - North Ridge4thTrad2Too Hip5.11Trad3The Tehipite Sanction5.13-Trad4In the Niche of Time5.10Trad · Aid5Tehipite Dome - Southwest Face (Kroger)5.9Trad · Aid6Wilderness Serenity5.10bTrad7Wall of Ages5.11+Trad · Aid 8Time Warp (Beckey)5.10Trad9One for the Ladies5.8Trad · Aid10Astro-Gil5.11Trad11One For The Homies5.10+Trad