HomeUSAWyomingLaramie RangeLaramie Peak Wildlife Habitat Management AreaDouthitt MountainHidden CorralMy Favorite Enema5.9Sunday Morning Sunshine5.95.10asportFA Troutman, HorningCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Hidden Corral1Shoulder Scolder5.11bSport2I will Strap it ON5.10aSport3A Victory 4 Same Sex5.9Sport4TR Trapp is Bad Rap5.11dTr5My Wife Stretches with Cathy5.11cSport6My Favorite Enema5.9Sport7T'was on My Face5.10aSport 8Sunday Morning Sunshine5.9Sport9No Anal Re-tension Here5.8Trad10Roof on the Hoof5.11b/cTr11Unscanned Territory5.12aTr · Sport