HomeUSAColoradoSouth PlatteCastle View Crags & BouldersPuff's LairJackie Paper5.10dBaptismal Felonies (Project)5.13+Edit modeStemming Imagination5.11+sportFA MountainMannyCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionComing soon.LocationIt is on the backside of Puff's Lair. This is the obvious and huge off-width that splits the slabs.ProtectionBolts to rap station.Routes in Puff's Lair1Peter, Paul, & Mary5.10aTrad2Jackie Paper5.10dSport3Stemming Imagination5.11+Sport 4Baptismal Felonies (Project)5.13+Sport5A Dragon Lives Forever5.10dTrad · Sport6God Bless The Elephant5.11Trad · Sport