HomeUSAWashingtonCentral-West Cascades & SeattleSkykomish ValleyIndexCountry Area, TheOrc WallFront Line Assignment5.11bJonah Benkert's World Famous Homemade Humble Pie5.11cEdit modeTour of Duty5.11btradFA A Clifford, J. WylandCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart from a gold-colored bolt atop a pedestal on the left side of the wall.P1: 11b. Bouldery start up clean rock (5.11b) then turns to fourth class for the second half of the pitch.P2: 11b. Start in a finger crack, then pull left around a corner to friable face climbing past two bolts (5.11b). This is the lowest quality pitch on the route.P3: 5.9. Finger crack to face moves past a bolt (the last on the route) and back into splitter hands to the base of the obvious black corner on the left side of the headwall.P4: 10b. Corner crack with small to large gear.P5: 10c. Leave the right corner of the left overhang through a hand crack that then angles left through an undercling to the top. Superb.ProtectionGear to 3.5"Routes in Orc Wall1Front Line Assignment5.11bTrad2Tour of Duty5.11bTrad 3Jonah Benkert's World Famous Homemade Humble Pie5.11cSport4Tales From Zahajko5.11cTrad · Sport5Coach's Fables5.11dTrad · Sport