HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkHidden Valley AreaReal Hidden ValleyArid PilesArid Piles - Northwest FaceNapkin of Shame5.10b29 Palms5.11d5.12b/c RtradFA Jonny Woodward and Darrel Hensel, January 1988CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in Arid Piles - Northwest Face1Nice and Steep and Elbow Deep5.10bTrad2The Outsiders5.11aTrad3Quarter Moon Crack5.10aTrad4Napkin of Shame5.10bTrad5Quickstone5.12b/cTrad 629 Palms5.11dTrad7Palms Away5.11cTr899 Moves But a Palm Ain't One5.11+Trad · Tr9The 39 Slaps5.11cTrad10Mr. Bunny Quits5.9Trad11Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow5.10cTr12Spinner5.7Trad13Edge of Doom5.10cTrad