HomeUSAArizonaCentral ArizonaHomestead, TheMovie Quote Wall, TheThese Go to Eleven5.11You Talkin' to Me?5.10d5.11a/bsportFA Scott Ayers, Dan CohenCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in The Movie Quote Wall1I'll Have What She's Having5.11aSport2Coulda Been a Contender5.10c/dSport3Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner5.10aSport4These Go to Eleven5.11Sport5Inconceivable!5.11a/bSport 6You Talkin' to Me?5.10dSport7Here's Looking At You, Kid5.10aSport8You Can't Handle the Truth!5.10dSport9Hell Is Coming to Breakfast5.11aSport10The Pone Tony AKA Larry's Route5.10-Sport11Why So Serious?5.10dSport12May the Force be With You5.10bSport13Live Long, and Prosper5.10cSport14There’s No Crying in Baseball5.11aSport15Go Ahead, Make My Day5.10aSport16I'll Be Back5.8Sport17It's Just a Flesh Wound5.9+Sport18Frankly, I Don't Give a Damn5.8Sport