HomeUSAUtahWasatch RangeSouthern WasatchRock CanyonTraining CampThe Third String/Unnamed5.10cRookie of the Year/An All Star5.10a5.9sportFA Darren KnezekCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Training Camp1Wax On, Wax Off5.7Sport2Didn't Make the Team5.8+Trad3There is No Try5.10cSport4The Third String/Unnamed5.10cSport5Covey Leader to Raven5.9Sport 6Rookie of the Year/An All Star5.10aSport7What Is Your Major Malfunction, Numbnuts?5.3Sport8Semper Fi5.6Sport9The First Cut5.7Sport10Drill Team5.7Sport