HomeUSANew MexicoJemez Mountains and Jemez ValleyCapulin Canyon and Cochiti Mesa Area CragsCapulin CanyonHall of GiantsJack and the Beanstalk5.10+5.12+tradFA Established by A. Miller, W. Canning, A. Jordan, open FFA!!CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Hall of Giants1The Cracken5.11-Trad2Paul Bunyan 5.12- or 5.10d C-05.12-Trad3Babe5.12-Trad4Little John5.13Trad5Jack and the Beanstalk5.10+Trad6The Giant Peach 5.12+ or 5.10+ C15.12+Trad