Rumble in the Jungle

FA Jake Mergenthaler, 2002
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Can't really identify a crux. Pretty consistent easy 5.8 on the upper slab, mostly 5.6 below that. Really cool pock marks and texture on this upper slab. Watch out for the neat, but sharp, chert bands on this route. You even get some decent crack moves down low.


Rappel route (70m rope).


Hike up the gully past Fire Spire, Sunfire Slab, and a massive overhanging boulder. This route starts in the narrow part of the gully just left of the spacious belay ledge.


13 bolts to shuts. YOU NEED A 70m ROPE. Alternately, if you have a 60m, you can traverse left and lower off of Brice Jessen anchors.

Routes in Africa