HomeUSAUtahSoutheast Utah191 SouthMuleshoe CanyonSunvana WallBoogie Fever5.7Funtastic5.7Edit modePandemonious Avoidicus5.8 RsportFA Paul Bucher, Drake BuckinghamCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionway fun climb. great moves on good edges. a little bit run out but not desperate. shares the anchor with Funtastic.Location20 feet left of FuntasticProtectionone optional medium stopper (or cam) for the start; 4 quickdraws for the remainder.Routes in Sunvana Wall1Boogie Fever5.7Trad · Sport2Pandemonious Avoidicus5.8Sport 3Funtastic5.7Trad · Sport4Funktastic5.10+Trad · Sport5White Line Fever5.9-Sport6Climbalicious5.8Trad · Sport