HomeUSAColoradoGrand Junction AreaUnaweep CanyonNine Mile HillNine Mile BoulderingBlue Moon Boulder AreaFertile Crescent AreaTomorrowland BoulderGutenberg PressV3Edit modeTomorrowlandV3boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionTomorrowland ascends an overhanging bulge on slopers and edges over a perfect landing.Sit start with a left hand edge and a right hand sidepull. From there, toe in with the right foot, crank up, knee bar, reach a left hand sloper, match a right hand next to it, reach a left hand edge, follow to the spike edges above, toe hook the original knee bar, then reach back to a jug, pull onto the bulge, finish up the remainder using the edges for an easy mantle.LocationIt climbs the northeast arete of Tomorrowland.ProtectionPair of pads. The landing is great though.Routes in Tomorrowland Boulder1Screwed the PoochV0Bouldering2StarálfurV2Bouldering3Waiting in ComfortV3Bouldering4Gutenberg PressV3Bouldering5TomorrowlandV3Bouldering