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Peak Mountain 3

Groundhog Day

FA Bob Gaines, February 1997
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This sustained slab route, like most of the routes on this side of Little Hunk, affords decent quality climbing and sometimes engaging moves but needs a bit more traffic to clean it up.

The 5.11 crux comes early in the vicinty of the 3rd/4th bolt but there's another tricky sequence (5.10+) at the 6th bolt and sustained 5.10 slab climbing with spaced bolts all the way to the top.

This is a technical and sustained slab route that is worthy of more attention and with more traffic it will clean up nicely (it may also make it a bit harder).


Left side of Little Hunk's west face between Official Rubber Tester and

Compassion of the Elephants



10 bolts (5/16" and 3/8"), 2 bolt anchor/rap

2000 km
1000 mi