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Peak Mountain 3

Death Of American Democracy

FA Jim Beyer
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route is an excellent nailing line which climbs the center of the south face of King Fisher for 5 pitches. Pitch one has some thin nailing and heading right off the ground passing a couple of bolts, and then nails a good leftward arching corner. Pitch two climbs left then up into a nice right facing corner. After the corner climb up a scary mud curtain to a bad bolt and then into a tricky wide crack to the belay. The third pitch climbs 5.10 and some nailing up to a pendulum point. Pendulum right to a ledge and then nail a thin crack to the belay. There is ledge fall potential on this pitch. Pitch four climbs difficult thin cracks with thin pins and heads up to a roof which is steep and awkward. Climb the caprock for about 30 feet to a ledge. The last pitch is 5.9 wide crack climbing to the top. This route is a great, hard nailing route on one of the best lines in the Fishers. To descend, rappel the Colorado Northeast ridge route. Jim Beyer did the first ascent, solo in the late '80s.


Heavy nailing rack including aluminum heads. Pins from beaks to 4" bongs. 2 sets of cams from tiny to #3 camalot. 1 #4 camalot. Micro Stoppers and stoppers. Bring some hooks also.

Routes in Kingfisher

1000 km
1000 mi