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Peak Mountain 3

Sneak Thief

FA Lee Hansche
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


After climbing this route 3 times I still haven't done it 1st try of the day. The start is so technical and balancy it's just hard to put it all together right off the bat. After the tough start you get a few easy moves then another tough section and it keeps alternating between cruxes and cruises to the top. Great rock, fun movements and just good climbing the whole way. Don't be fooled. It looks 5.9 but... nope. Stick clip the 1st bolt.Named for the brand new static rope that was stolen off of the cliff when I had just taken it out of the package... 


There are 2 routes with hard starts in the center of the middle face. This is the right hand one. 


7 bolts to lower off

1000 km
500 mi