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Peak Mountain 3


FA Aaron Hobson April 21, 2007
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route starts with thin face climbing on discontinuous cracks. The start is the most difficult climbing, and while not technically challenging, the protection can be difficult to place and there is some scary fall potential. After pulling over the initial head-wall, the route continues up various cracks on a sunny slab and is very reminiscent of some of the meandering routes on Checkerboard Wall. Belay at a large ledge beneath the summit.

This route makes a logical second pitch after climbing Cultural Learnings of America (and thus the name).


This route is on the north side of the upper head-wall. It can be reached by approaching for Fluorogreenand scrambling east around the corner. It also can be reached by climbing Cultural Learnings of America as it starts on the ledge that is the top of that route.

descent from the top of the dome is by scrambling/down-climbing to the south.


Small cams, tri-cams and a set of wires. There is a fair amount of loose rock near the summit.

1000 km
500 mi