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Peak Mountain 3

Grand Funk Railroad

FA Bob Mitchell, Will Fulton - 1971
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is one of the most historic and classic routes at Stone Mountain. It was the first route to follow a "line" of a different sort. Instead of following a crack, it follows a dike feature that runs somewhere in the range of 600'.

P-1 Climb the face on good edges and smears to a bowl at the first bolt. Move right across a long slab traverse to the "railroad" dikes, and follow these past another bolt to the belay. Optional 5.10R/X climbs straight up past the first bolt.

P-2 Roughly follow the dike feature past two bolts to a weird traverse through a water streak to a good ledge and belay.

P-3 Friction a short ways to gain the dike again, and sling horns for pro. Continue up to a bolted belay on a small ledge.

P-4-6 Continue up the dike to the top. The last belay is located atop some large flakes.

Note: It is very reasonable to simulclimb the upper half of this route, or just combine pitches.


At right end of the main area, on top of a little knoll. The start is marked by a water streak and tiny flared crack/seams.


Light rack

Routes in Stone Mountain South Face

  1. 53
    Grand Funk Railroad
2000 km
1000 mi